Guľôčky Marbles

09.05.2013 20:47




Čo potrebujete pre hru: guľôčky, plochý, brúsený povrch
Nakreslite kruh na zemi. Každý hráč by mal dať dohodnutý počet (napr. 10 guľôčok) guľôčok v kruhu a stojí za líniou určitej vzdialenosti (2 metre). Cieľom je zasiahnuť guľôčky z kruhu.
Hráči sa striedajú, snažia sa  zasiahnuť guľôčky v kruhu a čo najviac dostať von z kruhu . Tie guľky, ktoré vyjdú z kruhu si hráč zoberie. Ak strelec zostane v kruhu, zostane tam a to je ďalší hráč na rade.

Pokračuje sa dovtedy, kým sa všetky guľôčky nedostanú von z kruhu.

 Osoba s najviac guľôčkami vyhráva.


What you need for a game: marbles, flat, ground surface


Draw a circle on the ground. Each player should put an agreed number (for instance 10 marbles) of marbles in the circle and stand behind a line drawn some distance away (2 metres) . The aim is to hit the marbles out of the circle.

Players take turns to roll, throw or a flick marble (called shooter) into the circle, trying to hit the marbles out of it.

If you knock a marble out of the circle you get to keep it. If the shooter stays in the circle, it stays there and it is the next players turn. If it comes out you can fetch it and have another go.

Carry on having turns until all the marbles in the circle have been won. The person with the most marbles wins.