Hra na výšku Height game

09.05.2013 20:42



Hra na výšku

Hra pre chlapcov a dievčatá.

Deti si prisúdia každému meno, názov veci, zvieraťa. Jeden chytí loptu a všetci sa postavia okolo neho. On vyhodí loptu vysoko, a keď je lopta hore, zakričí meno (názov veci, zvieraťa) a koho oslovil, musí loptu chytiť. Keď ju chytí, odovzdá ju tomu, kto ju vyhodil a hra sa opakuje, až loptu vyhadzuje sám (kto nechytí, vypadne z hry).

Hoď to mne! Teraz mne! Nahraj! Prihraj! Poďme ešte raz! Znovu! Skúsme to znovu! Vyber si mňa!

Height game (or alternative name for the game: “Who´s taller?” / “Catch it if you can”)

It’s a game for both, boys and girls.

Each player chooses a nickname - it can be an ordinary name, or a thing or an animal. One of the players takes the ball and all the other ones stand around him. The player with the ball throws it up high above his head and while the ball falls back down, he calls one nickname. The player with that nickname has to catch the ball. If he catches it, he gives it back to the player that threw it and it all starts again with a new nickname. But if he doesn’t catch it, he is out of the game/ he has to leave the game. The game is over when there’s only one player left.

Pass it to me! Give me the ball! Pass it! I’m here! Catch it! Let’s play it again! Let’s have another round! Let’s play again! Let’s try again! Pick me! Choose me!  Throw it to me! J