Pán kráľ, daj vojačka King, king, give me a soldier

09.05.2013 20:50



Pán kráľ, daj vojačka

Deti sa rozdelia na dve polovice a postavia v radoch proti sebe (10-15m). V každom rade je jeden kráľ. Z jedného radu kráľ zakričí: Pán kráľ, pán kráľ, daj vojačka!

Z druhého radu odpovie kráľ: Ktorého?

Odpoveď – meno niektorého z hrajúcich sa v druhom rade. Ten sa potom rozbehne a usiluje sa pretrhnúť ruky deťom v druhom rade. Keď sa mu to podarí, odvedie si niektorého vojaka. Keď nie, ostáva v tom rade.

V striedavom vyvolávaní sa pokračuje dotiaľ, kým v jednom z radov neostane iba kráľ. V tom prípade tá strana prehráva.

King, King, give me a soldier


King, king, give me a soldier is a game for boys and girls. It can be played in spring, summer and autumn.


There are two teams with the same number of players holding hands. One of the members of each team is a king. The teams stand in a line opposite each other (the distance between the teams / the lines is     10 – 15 m).


The game is started by one of the kings who shouts: „King, king, give me a soldier.“  The other king responds: „Which one?“  The response of the first king is the name of one of the players of the opposite team. The selected player / soldier then starts running towards the opposite team and tries to break the chain (the line of the players holding hands).


If the player (soldier) manages to break the chain, he / she takes with one of the two players where the chain has been broken. If he / she doesn´t manage to break the chain, he / she stays in the line that he / she has tried to break.


Both teams take turns calling out the names of the opposite players until there is just the king left in the team. That is the end of the game and the team with only their king left in the game loses the game.